ground troops

Aliens: Stetonianain

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Race:  Stetonian

First Mention:  Scouts Out

First Appearance:  Q Runner

Description:  Member of the Horde in name.  But basically a slave race to the Alarians.   A violent and ill tempered race, kinda of like Klingons without the opera. Incredibly tough.

At least two and a half meters tall, two arms two legs, humanoid, a man shaped Triceratops or Rhinoceros with the horns,

Tribal organization only, never would have left their home planet without the Alarians.   The Alarians developed their medicine, separated them so they could increase in population and used by the Alarians as ground troops.

Writing Origin:  Based in appearance on the Triceratons in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Judon from Dr. Who.  
