
Language: Blubok

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Language:  Stetonian

Meaning:  A large pylon, three sided, about nine feet tall, tapered from bottom to top, about four feet at the base to about two feet wide at the top.  Made up of  gold alloy, mixed with some iron and other metals to give it a bit more toughness

Explanation:  Stetonian pylon of command. Regimental size units are given one of these pylons. The figures engraved on the surface, pictograph forming the Stetonian code of battle, how to fight, how to march, some marching songs on the other side. Over time the Stetonians warriors coat this pylon with the blood of their dead,  they add their own pictographs and take it with them on every battle and when they go home to their village it is kept in a place of honor.”

Writing Origin:  Based on the U.S. Army’s Blue Book.   (Without the blood of course, except maybe your own.)

First Appearance:  Q Runner